January 2015 – On the last day of the exhibition “The Dark Side of Beauty” managing director Mr. Gerard de Klein announced which creation was chosen by the public to be purchased by the Museum. Fifteen hundred visitors made their choices out of 66 pieces.

The photographic piece “Sirene” gathered the most votes.
Museum Gouda will add it to their collection.It was an experiment. Usually the director decides what will be purchased after being advised by the conservator.
This time the visitors were invited to advise in writing. The question was: “Which creation fits the best in the museum Gouda collection”. More than 90% of the respondents though did advise in favour of a purchase, but the choices differed extremely. Each of the 66 works of art appeared to be at least somebody’s favourite. During the exhibition sometimes steaming discussions developed concerning their opinions.
Like Robbert Roos said at the opening of the exhibition: “Dindi’s models are immersed in water. The women dissolve in the interspace where water and air touch each other. They live in their own zone, goddess in their own world. Their state of being is elusive.